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Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

All program staff members are mandated reporters. This means that you are legally bound to report your suspicions of child abuse or neglect. It is your job to know the signs and make the call that could save a child’s life. It is also your job to make sure all staff know the signs and make the call. This lesson will give you information to help you prepare for and make a report of child abuse or neglect.

  • Describe and enforce internal and external reporting procedures.
  • Describe actions to be taken in response to an allegation, including cooperation with investigators and documentation procedures.
  • Describe procedures for distinguishing between a policy infraction and an instance of child abuse or neglect.
  • Maintain program records and provide access to administrative files for the purposes of investigation.
  • Post and publicize reporting procedures in your programs.


Although you do not work in classrooms on a daily basis, you have a legal and ethical obligation to report suspicions of child abuse and neglect. You also have a professional responsibility to help staff members meet their own legal reporting obligations.

The specific procedures and policies for reporting suspected child abuse and neglect varies across statesMIL, services, and installations. This lesson will provide an overview of reporting procedures, but you will be responsible for collaborating with your installation’s FAP to develop standard operating procedures for reporting. Your standard operating procedures related to reporting suspicions of child abuse or neglect should (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2013):

  • Identify whom the staff member should notify within the child care program if there are suspicions (e.g., the director or another coordinator of child maltreatment issues);
  • List the specific information that the staff member needs in order to make a report;
  • Describe how the report is to be made, including who is to make the report to FAP and CPS;
  • List any other program personnel who should be involved or be notified if a report is made (e.g., the program director, commander, headquarters)
  • State who will talk with the children or the parents after consultation with CPS or when a report is filed;
  • Specify who will submit documentation, such as observation notes or anecdotal records, to investigators or other agencies;
  • State who will be responsible for monitoring or receiving communication or feedback from FAP and CPS once the report has been filed;
  • State who is responsible for communicating with the media, if necessary, for cases where a child fatality or a child abuse accusation has been in the press;
  • Identify plans for the alternative placement of accused staff while an investigation is taking place;
  • Specify support for staff if the accusation of abuse or neglect is unsubstantiated or unfounded;
  • Detail support for staff who are requested to testify in court;
  • State who will follow up to determine the outcome of the report (if applicable).

The remainder of this lesson will provide general guidelines for reporting procedures. Remember, you will be expected to collaborate with your local authorities your installation’s FAP office to develop specific procedures for your program. This lesson concludes with information about support and following-up after a report is made.

Department of Defense Requirements for Reporting

If you suspect child abuse, making a call to your installation's Family Advocacy Program or civilian Child Protective Services is a moral and legal obligation. Department of Defense policy and, in many cases, federal and state laws require community members to report suspected child abuse. Ideally, a report will prompt early intervention before a child is hurt. The following information will help you take that important step to contact FAP or CPS and understand how those calls are assessed.

How to report child abuse

If you witness violence or know someone is in immediate danger, call 911 or the military police if you are on an installation.

If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call the installation FAP, your Reporting Point of Contact (RPOC) in Army programs,and the local civilian CPS. You can also call your state's child abuse reporting hotline or contact Childhelp at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453).

Each installation that supports military families has a FAP point of contact to receive calls concerning the safety and welfare of children. The number to call is publicized throughout the military community. You can also call your installation's Family Support Center or visit the Military Installation’s website for information.

How reports of child abuse are assessed

Child abuse calls can be made anonymously either to CPS or your installation FAP. When suspected abuse is reported, a team will assess the safety and welfare of the child. Child Protective Services team members will contact the installation FAP if the call involves a military family.

When Family Advocacy Program personnel receive a call concerning the safety and welfare of a child, they ensure that everyone who is capable of protecting the safety and well-being of the child (the active duty member's commander, law enforcement, the medical treatment facility and CPS) is aware of the risk and protective factors that are affecting the family. These community members often work as a team to ensure that children are protected, the parents receive appropriate intervention and the family receives the services they need to be able to form more healthy relationships. FAP and CPS will not share the identity of the individual who made the report with the family.

Civilian CPS also responds to calls concerning the safety and welfare of children. They will most likely visit the identified child (they might go to the child's program or home), and they will also interview the child's parents. If they determine there is no evidence of abuse, the case will likely be closed. In some cases, FAP or CPS may refer the family for counseling if they feel the family's life circumstances place them at risk for abuse or neglect.

If Child Protective Services determines that abuse or neglect did occur, the civilian family court system will become involved. Sometimes, the judge will appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the child's interests. This attorney will review all available information and evidence from law enforcement, FAP and CPS and make recommendations to the court based on what he or she believes is in the child's best interest.

If the local civilian law enforcement agency is involved and its investigation finds that abuse occurred, misdemeanor or felony criminal charges may be brought. If a service member is convicted of a criminal offense in civilian court, the military may still decide to proceed with a court-martial hearing or other disciplinary action, including separation from the service.

Child abuse at a DoD-sponsored facility or activity

The Department of Defense makes every effort to ensure the safety and well-being of children involved in Defense facilities such as schools, child development centers, or Department of Defense-sponsored activities, such as youth sports or recreation programs. This includes conducting thorough background checks and training all staff and volunteers involved with these facilities and programs.

If there is a report of child sexual abuse within a Department of Defense-sponsored activity, the Family Advocacy Command Assistance Team may be assigned to provide an immediate response. This team helps the local installation team assess the situation, develop an investigation strategy, gather evidence for possible prosecution, address the needs of victims and their families and restore public confidence in the facility or activity.

Families and visitors may report a suspicion of child abuse or neglect in a DoD sponsored activity by calling the DoD Child Abuse and Safety Hotline at 1-877-790-1197. If you work OCONUS, your supervisor or FAP will have the most recent contact information families or visitors can use. The DoD Child Abuse and Safety Hotline is a centrally managed line at OSD FAP during regular business hours to take reports involving suspicions of child abuse in DoD-sanctioned activities. The hotline is manned, 0730 to 1630, M-F, EST. 1-877-790-1197.

Responding to Allegations of Child Abuse and Neglect

Although standard operating procedures vary across installations, staff members will first report their suspicions to you in most cases. It is then your responsibility to notify regulatory authorities (fire, health, safety, FAP). Child and Youth Services personnel report by calling the reporting point of contact (RPOC) and providing the following information:

Making the Report

Your service has specific procedures that describe whom you report to, what information to provide, and what to do after reporting. Make sure you are familiar with the procedures on your installation. In the Apply section, you will have an opportunity to record your program’s specific procedures. In U.S. Air Force programs, you are required to report all suspected child abuse and neglect both by telephone and in writing to the Family Advocacy Officer. Be prepared to share:

Making the Report

Your service has specific procedures that describe whom you report to, what information to provide, and what to do after reporting. Make sure you are familiar with the procedures on your installation. In the Apply section, you will have an opportunity to record your program’s specific procedures. In Marine Corps programs, the Component Commander/Commander Supporting Establishment has developed a plan of action for forwarding all reports of child abuse or neglect to Commandant of the Marine Corps (MR). Follow your installation’s reporting procedures. Be prepared to share:

Making the Report

If you or staff members suspect a child is being abused or neglected, you must make a report to local Child Protective Services or law enforcement. You can find out where to call by visiting the Child Welfare Information Gateway’s state reporting numbers website:

Call the reporting number relevant to your state and provide the following information:

  • Name of victim
  • Name and contact information for parents or guardians
  • Reasons for suspected abuse or neglect
  • Description and location of victim’s physical injuries (if applicable)
  • Information freely disclosed by victim
  • Current location of victim
  • Known information regarding incident or chronology of events

After the Report

Reporting suspected child abuse or neglect can be a stressful event. It is important to mentally prepare yourself for what happens after the call.

In most states, the report will be evaluated by Child Protective Services. If there is enough evidence to warrant an investigation, a caseworker will initiate the investigation. Children, families, and caregivers may be contacted and interviewed. CPS will determine whether the claim is substantiated and whether the child is safe in the home. If the report of abuse involves alleged criminal acts, law enforcement will be contacted and the investigation will be conducted jointly.

On military installations, the following will occur after a report has been made:

After a report has been received, FAP must report immediately and directly to the appropriate civilian agency in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the installation and local authorities as required by State or host nation laws. In most communities in the United States, Child Protective Services (CPS) is the agency designated to receive reports of child maltreatment. Overseas, the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with a host nation defines how investigation and prosecution of crimes committed on installations will be handled.

FAP will complete a social work assessment of the incident and will present the information to the installation Incident Determination Committee (formerly known as the Case Review Committee). The IDC is composed of installation legal, law enforcement, and social work staff, and the command representative for the agency or sponsor. The installation medical staff and civilian CPS agencies and their counterparts in host countries may participate as well to provide information on incidents that involve their response. This committee is responsible for making a determination of whether the incident meets the DoD definition of child abuse or neglect. If the incident meets the criteria (substantiated), FAP develops a treatment plan for the child and family as appropriate. FAP coordinates with law enforcement authorities to assess the referral. FAP is an important team member of the coordinated response to suspected child abuse and neglect. At the same time, FAP in coordination with CPS, takes steps to protect the child and provide the family with counseling or other assistance.

When a report of suspected sexual abuse involves multiple victims in an out-of-home care setting at an installation in the United States or overseas, the DoD may deploy a Family Advocacy Command Assistance Team (FACAT). Under the Commander’s supervision, the FACAT assists in investigation, assessment, and case management.

When a report of suspected abuse involves a staff member, the alleged offender will be reassigned to a position without child contact until a determination is made if the referral meets or does not meet the criteria or definition of child abuse or neglect. Once you have made a report to your RPOC, you have fulfilled your legal reporting requirements. After a report, your RPOC will:

  • Notify the Military Police if they have not already been notified.
  • Notify the Chief, SWS/CRC chairperson, so a timely report can be made to the commander and a case manager assigned.
  • Notify the local Inspector General’s office in allegations involving general officers, promotable colonels, and Senior Executive Services civilians.
  • Notify the Child and Youth Services coordinator when a report involves child abuse alleged to have occurred in a Child and Youth Services quarter or facility-based operation or involved a Child and Youth Services employee.
  • Notify the Family Advocacy Program manager who is responsible for notifying the chain of command.
  • Based on local memorandums of agreement with a host nation, local child protective services, and local law enforcement, the RPOC may have additional notification requirements.

Regardless of where you live or where you work, it is unlikely you will ever hear the results of the report. Confidentiality laws protect the families’ privacy. Also know that it is not uncommon for families to withdraw their child from the program after an allegation of abuse. The report may be the last piece of information you have about a child’s situation, but you should feel confident that you and program staff have fulfilled your obligations. If the child and the family remain in your program, you and the management team can help the family build strength by enhancing protective factors in the program and community.

Sometimes staff members worry that they could be sued or punished for making a report. This is not the case. All mandated reporters are protected by law. A family cannot sue a mandated reporter for making a report in good faith. Likewise, staff members cannot be retaliated against for making a report in good faith about a suspected incident in your program.

Common Concerns that Prevent Staff Members from Making Reports:

  1. We live in a small community. Will my report ruin the parent’s career?

    Staff members sometimes worry that reporting suspected child abuse or neglect might impact aMIL Service member’s career or get the individual “fired.” This can make staff members hesitant to make a reportMIL, but you should know that FAP and command want to keep victims of abuse safe. They also want to help families work through their parenting issues so service members can develop healthier relationships and stay in the military services whenever possible. Thinking about what happens to theMIL military career of a family member has no legal bearing on the requirement to report suspected child abuse or neglect.

    When an allegation of child abuse meets criteria for the Department of Defense definition of abuse or neglect, FAP assesses the needs of the child and family and recommends a treatment plan. Commanders have sole discretion in determining any administrative or disciplinary action taken against active duty abusers. The commander will consider advice from legal counsel and evidence presented by law enforcement before making a decision. Although the military prefers to help families and retain service members, in some cases a service member will be separated due to the severity of the abuse, results of military or civilian court proceedings, or the service member's failure to comply with treatment recommendations and orders from command.

  2. I don’t want to “turn in” my co-worker

    When a staff member suspects a co-worker or program partner of child abuse or neglect, you might find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Staff members might feat that they are “turning in” their co-worker, and this is hard. You should remind staff of their responsibility to keep children safe. Staff members are mandated reporter sand must report their suspicions. Failure to do so can have devastating consequences for children and for the staff member. Remind staff members they cannot be retaliated against in the workplace for their report, and you will work with management to make sure they feel comfortable making the report. Talk to someone you trust if you need support.

How reporting abuse or neglect might affect staff members

Staff members will feel a range of emotions after making a report: frustrated, angry, disappointed, nervous, relieved. All of these emotions are expected. It is your job to make sure they have someone to talk to and to help them deal with the emotions they are feeling. The following video helps explain what staff might experience after a report and how you can help.

After the Report: Emotions

Learn about recognizing and dealing with the emotions of a report

What You Can Do: Be a Role Model for Staff Members

Use active listening strategies

When a staff member has a concern about a child, he or she needs to know that they have been heard. The best thing you can do is listen and support reflection. Active listening is a skill staff members can apply to their interactions with children and families. Follow these guidelines:

  • Stop and really listen. Eliminate distractions and really listen to what the person is saying. Stop shuffling papers, doodling, checking your email, or filling out paperwork. Focus on the speaker and what he or she is saying.
  • Give feedback. Give the speaker a chance to know you understand what is being said. Occasionally pause and repeat back or paraphrase what the speaker said. You might say, “I heard you say you think Drew is having trouble at home. Is that correct?”
  • Ask questions and seek clarification. You might follow up. “It sounds like you are concerned about Drew’s safety. What have you noticed? What has made you worry?”
  • Empathize. Try to see the situation from the speaker’s perspective. You might say, “I can tell that was a really scary situation for you” or “I wonder if that was difficult.”

Provide opportunities to practice

Being prepared to report child abuse and neglect is a complex and ongoing process. Make sure staff members have continuous training around recognizing, reporting, and preventing child abuse and neglect. Do more than simply making sure staff members attend required training events. Help staff deepen their understanding and application of the ideas. Make sure staff members feel 100% prepared to do what is right. Role play can be a powerful tool. Provide scenarios and work with staff as they identify the signs of child abuse or neglect. Role play making a report or getting help. You can find scenarios in the Apply section. Use them at staff meetings or at professional development events to help keep staff members’ skills sharp.

Model your role as a mandated reporter

As you learned in Lesson 1, you and all staff in the child and youth programs have an obligation to report a suspected case of abuse or neglect. It is not your job to identify the abuser. If you suspect abuse, all you need to do is make a report and allow investigators to do their jobs.

  • Observe children for signs of abuse or neglect.
  • Be familiar with reporting procedures for your stateMIL, host nation, or installation.
  • Post reporting procedures in your classroom or know where they are posted in your program.
  • Prepare yourself for the call. Be sure you have the correct spelling of the child’s legal name, the address of the child’s parents or guardians, and all the details outlined earlier in this lesson.
  • If you suspect abuse or neglect, you can call the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453). This line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can help you find emergency resources.
  • Find Service-specific guidance for making a report of child abuse or neglect in the attachments at the end of this Learn section.

What You Can Do: Observe Children for Signs of Abuse and Neglect

Throughout your career you will observe children for signs of abuse and neglect. You will also observe staff members and their abilities to recognize and report abuse and neglect. Read these scenarios and think about how you might respond to support the staff member.

Abuse Reporting Scenarios





Carla and Jayne are in a planning meeting talking about a child in their class. Carla is very concerned about the way a child's father talks to him and treats him. She has noticed some scars on his back, and he seems very afraid of making mistakes. He often says, "Don't tell my dad." Jayne says, "My dad was tough on me, too, and I'm fine. I got whipped every day, and it wasn't abuse. He'll be fine. You're making a big deal out of nothing. You won't be able to live with yourself if you mess up that family for nothing."

The Problem

The Problem:

At least one member of the team suspects a child is being abused. The other member of the team doubts whether what is occurring is "abuse" and is discouraging her teammate from making a report.

Say / Do

Take Action:

First, focus on Carla's suspicions. "Carla it sounds like you're concerned. What have you noticed?" Remind the team that it is not up to us to decide whether a child has been abused. Our job is to report reasonable suspicions of harm.

Next, help Jayne process what she is feeling but remain focused for now on the child's safety. "Jayne it sounds like you have a different opinion. Have you noticed injuries?"

Help the team step back and ask themselves: Has the child been harmed or is he in risk of harm? Remind them they do not have to agree. If Carla suspects abuse or neglect, she must make a report.

Reporting child abuse and neglect is never an easy thing to do. It is never comfortable for anyone who must grapple with the idea of a child being in danger. The best we can do, though, is to help staff members feel supported and prepared to take the right steps and protect a child.


Make an appointment with your installation’s Family Advocacy Program Manager. Sit down together and discuss the ways you can and should collaborate in your efforts to protect children and strengthen families. Download and print the attachment below as a guide to begin the conversation.


Because reporting requirements and procedures vary widely, each staff member must know the specific procedures for making a report in your workplace. Download and print the Reporting Plan. Make sure each staff member has a copy and completes it with information relevant to your program. Store or post the document in an accessible area of your program or office.

In the Training and Curriculum Specialist Course, there are role plays available to help staff members practice identifying and reporting suspicions of child abuse and neglect. These can be helpful in your work with staff members, as well. Make sure that Training and Curriculum Specialists and staff members have the most current information to use as they do role plays.MIL Encourage collaboration with the FAP office for support.

Then make sure you have the most up-to-date Department of Defense Hotline reporting poster. You can download and print it to post in your classroom or program. This should be posted for families and visitors to see.


Child Protective Services. In most states, CPS receives and investigates reports of child abuse and neglect
Family Advocacy Program. This office is responsible for responding to reports of child abuse and neglect on military installations
Incident Determination Committee or Case Review Committee. This committee evaluates the information and determines whether child abuse and neglect occurred
Mandated reporter:
Professionals who are legally required to report suspicions of child abuse and neglect. You are a mandated reporter
Reporting point of contact:
A term used by Army programs. The person or agency you contact to report your suspicions of abuse or neglect. Each installation has a reporting point of contact (RPOC)


True or false? After making a report of child abuse or neglect, you will always receive the results of the investigation.
If you witness violence or know someone is in immediate danger, whom should you call first?
True or false? Reports of suspected child abuse and neglect can be made anonymously.
True or false? If you make a report of child abuse or neglect, the family can sue you.
Janine, a school-age staff member, calls you from the parking lot outside the program. She says she saw one of the fathers from the program in the parking lot screaming at his children. He pulled the 6-year-old behind the car and hit him hard with a closed fist. She doesn’t think anyone else saw because they were parked pretty far away. What do you think Janine should do?
References & Resources

Center for the Study of Social Policy (2020). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Violence Prevention.

Harper Browne, C. (2014). The Strengthening Families Approach and Protective Factors Framework: Branching out and reaching deeper. Washington, D.C.: Center for the Study of Social Policy.

Karageorge, K. & Kendall, R. (2008). The Role of Professional Child Care Providers in Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect. Office on Child Abuse and Neglect, Children's Bureau.

Military Family Advocacy Programs.

Seibel, N. L., Britt, D., Gillespie, L. G., & Parlakian, R. (2006). Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, DC: Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families.

Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. (2006). Child Abuse and Neglect.