Program Manager Competency Reflection |
Each of the statements below refers to behaviors or attributes program managers should demonstrate in order to successfully operate the program and support staff in providing high quality care to children, youth, and families. Some of the competencies are directly observable during your regular interactions in the program. Other competencies might be assessed through self-reflection, conversations with trusted colleagues, or documentation. Use this competency reflection to assess your leadership practices. It is a tool to help prioritize your goals for professional learning as a program manager. It can be useful to return to this competency reflection regularly to assess your growth and set new goals; doing so also provides a strong model of reflective practice for the direct care staff with which you supervise. When setting your own professional learning goals, note that each competency may touch on multiple aspects of professional skill. As you use this competency checklist, spend time reflecting on the competencies and define the steps you will take to grow your leadership practice and the support you need to be an effective manager. E EmergingI’m building my understanding and use of the practice D DevelopingI understand the practice and am working to consistently or fully implement it M MasteredI consistently display or implement the practice in an appropriate manner Rate yourself on the following statements using E for Emerging, D for Developing, and M for Mastered and the key description above. Facilative Leadership Practices
Relationship-Based Approaches
Organizational Systems & Structures